Hi Y'all! What's up!
This week was pretty great! On Monday we hung out with some other missionaries and then played a pickup game of soccer with one of the members of their ward and a whole bunch of guys that were already playing. We sucked... well except for the member and Elder Curtis hahah! I mean let's face it... we're as white as you can get hahah! But win or lose we still had a really good time. Then Tuesday we helped out with Project Saving Smiles again! It was awesome as always! When we were driving there though we like drive straight into a wall of fog it was crazy hahah.
Wednesday we went to the temple and that was such an amazing experience I loved going there and I can't wait to go again. Afterwards we saw our mission president and of course we had to take some pictures with him! We then went to see the Benitez family and hung out with them for a little bit then they told us they were getting sealed in the temple! It was so awesome to hear that! We'd really wanted them to do it and they decided all on there own to do so! :)
Thursday we went back to Project Saving Smiles and finished up. It was such an awesome opportunity to spend time with the other workers and volunteers. The kids came out with some awesome stories and some new friends.
Friday was when things got a little crazy! I woke up and had the worst pressure in my sinuses and the biggest headache I've ever had! On top of that we had zone meeting and I felt so sick again and my face was just like on fire! Hah but we definitely had a fun time and then left as soon as we could hah. One thing that definitely drove me nuts is when someone at the meeting told me that I can't rest or anything when I'm sick. I have to continue the work. I kind of paused for a moment and thought about what to say when it kind of just came out as it's seems like a good idea to get better then to force something and get others sick. It kind of drove me nuts like of course I'm going to get better before I go to work. It's better to be at 100% and give my all then only be at 50% and only be able to give 50% there you know? Hah needless to say I took a long deserved nap when I got back home. (Btw...I am feeling much better now)
The sealing for the Benitez family was on Friday also which we really wished we could have been there for but we got to be at the reception at their house and it was so awesome! They looked so happy :)
Saturday we went contacting a ton and met a bunch of new people! Then at the end of the day we went to say hi to one of our favorite families, the Pinedas and invited them to church and they actually came! After church on Sunday the sisters had a baptism and then we had a little church get together after and ate a bunch of food and played a little soccer with the kids in the gym. Don't know if I was supposed to do that, but we did hahah.
And that's pretty much how my week's gone!
Love you guys! Thanks for checking in!!
~Elder Tidwell
P.S. Found out that I am getting transferred, just don't know where yet!
Elder T in the background |
I love this place! |
My zone |
J and his sister! I seriously love these guys! |
Santa selfie!
Yeah and there is this! haha |